About MCHS
School emblem
The emblem’s hexagonal snow crystal symbolizes the ancient form of the kanji character, “dragon”, which is a part of the name of the founder and first principal, Fukumi Tatsuzawa. The circle in the upper middle area symbolizes the dragon’s eye. It is said to be a masterful, truly original work made by the famous Morioka-born ironware craftsman and former professor of Fine Arts and Music at Tokyo National University, Mr. Kanji Suzuki.
School Motto
Independence & Enterprise
Perseverance & Excellence
Mission Statement
We strive to educate young adults who, being sound in body and mind, value hard work and responsibility, think independently, and have a rich sense of humanity.
History of Morioka Chuo High School.
The origin of Morioka Chuo High School can be traced back to a kind of cram school called Shingaku Kenkyukai (進学研究会) established by one high school teacher named Fukumi Tatsuzawa at his home in 1953. Fukumi wanted to provide a place to study for those students who failed the university entrance examinations. At that time the rural city of Morioka did not have any preparatory schools for university entrance examinations. Those who unfortunately failed the examinations had to give up their dream or leave home to study in other cities such as Sendai and Tokyo. In 1958 Shingaku Kenkyukai changed its name to Tatsuzawa Preparatory School and set up two streams: one for the students to prepare for university entrance examination and the other for the students to prepare for high school entrance examination.
Fukumi’s wish to extend the duration of educating students drove him to establish a private high school, Tatsuzawa High School in 1963. The school grew to have more than 700 students, and in 1992 it changed the name to Morioka Chuo High School. Now it offers four different courses in response to the students’ needs and goals. In 1995 the first short-term study abroad program was organized and the students studied at Central Michigan University. The first overseas school trip to Canada was carried out the following year. Since then we have organized a School trip to Canada every year.
The year 1999 was the year of internationalization for Chuo High School. In this year, we established our first sister school relationship with Bui Thi Xuan High School in Vietnam. Our sister school program has been developing every since and now we have 25 sister schools from 19 different countries. The new course in which our students spend one year abroad was launched and also our first Chuo International Education Forum was organized. Our students are the main organizers of this event, and students and teachers from our sister schools gather in Morioka to discuss various global concerns. Chuo High School continues its effort to educate individuals who are capable of working in a global context in the future.

4-26-1 Mitake, Morioka City, Iwate, Japan, 020-0122
Phone: +81 19-641-0458 Fax: +81 19-641-5553